There are high hopes for the 2023 Penn State Nittany Lions. While it is difficult to truly say for sure who will make the 2023 College Football Playoffs, it is still fun to put in an argument for the Nittany Lions. It is not that people doubt how good of a team the Nittany Lions are; they are just never in the discussion for the playoffs. The expansion does not begin until 2024, but the Nittany Lions have been the team that always just misses out on playoffs. Here’s a look at if the Penn State Nittany Lions can actually make the college football playoffs or at least have a chance.

The Penn State 2023 Opponents

One of the hardest aspects of the season for the Nittany Lions is their schedule. They open their season against West Virginia. Penn State should be able to get that win, but still a challenge for week one. The team should do fine following that game, avoiding any significant injuries. The two biggest challenges that they face will, of course, be Michigan and Ohio State. That is not to take away from the other teams in the conference, but those two will be the biggest challenge.

Is it impossible for the Nittany Lions to beat those two teams? No. Michigan will be a tough one, but in 2022, Penn State put up a big fight against Ohio State. Now, the team will not have CJ Stroud. Ohio State has always done well when a quarterback leaves, but Penn State has a decent number of returning defensive players. If they were able to put up a fight in 2022, they may have a chance in 2023. The opponents in 2023 do make it a challenge, but if the Nittany Lions win, they will have a solid chance to make the college football playoffs.

2023 Blue-White Game

Penn State QB Drew Allar (15) – Barry Reeger/AP Photo

Penn State’s Young Offense

The Penn State Nittany Lions will be filled with a young team. That is a good thing in some ways, but it can still be a setback for this year. Last year, the true freshmen worked out beautifully, but this year the Nittany Lions will have a new quarterback taking the mantle. Drew Allar will be in his second year, but it will be his first time starting. It may be an adjustment for him, making it more likely for the team to wait to make the playoffs until 2024.

That being said, the school also has two players who were true freshmen in 2022 but looked like veterans out there. Nicholas Singleton and Kaytron Allen, the two running backs, will make Allar’s life a lot easier on the field. The two players have a chance to both individually put up over 1,000 rushing years. Last year Singleton did it, and Allen came close. Having a set run game will make Allar’s adjustment period go much smoother. Luckily, Allar did get playing time in 2022, which will have helped him get adjusted on the sooner side.

The wide receiver core does have remaining questions as well. KeAndre Lambert-Smith will be the top guy as of now, but the depth behind him is up in the air. The Nittany Lions lost both Parker Washington and Mitchell Tinsley to the 2023 NFL Draft, which means it is time for new players to step up. Penn State will also utilize their tight ends, which were clutch in 2022, and will be again this year. There will also be a solid offensive line there to give Allar and his receivers more time. This offense will be just fine in 2023 and put up a lot of points. They just may not hit their true stride right away.

Audavion Collins

Penn State CB Johnny Dixon (3) – Grace Brennan/FOS/247 Sports

The Penn State Defense

The Nittany Lions’ defense did lose a decent amount of players in the draft. With Joey Porter Jr. and Ji’Ayir Brown now in the NFL, there are a couple of questions remaining about the Penn State secondary. The team may actually surprise people, though. They are pretty set at the cornerback position with Johnny Dixon and Kalen King. Those two will be strong and put up a challenge against even the top teams. The safety position will also have returning players that will be strong for the Nittany Lions.

It is important to remember that Defensive Coordinator, Manny Diaz, came into the 2022 season and helped the defense put on a show every week. This will now be year two with him there, which means he will be well-adjusted, and will now have worked with numerous players for an extended amount of time.

In 2022, the Nittany Lions ended the season with 43 sacks, according to ESPN. The majority of the sacks were not by the defensive line. If Diaz can get the line going as well, it will be challenging for any opponent. Diaz, in year two, is going to be a huge help for the team. Fans should not be worried about what this defense can do in the 2023 season.

Penn State opponents

Penn State CB Kalen King (4) and LB Curtis Jacobs (23) – Rick Osentoski/USA TODAY Sports

Is it Possible in 2023?

So is it possible for the Penn State Nittany Lions to make the College Football Playoffs in the 2023 season? Yes, it very well is possible. They are among the top three teams in the Big Ten. If they execute and can stop Michigan and Ohio State, they very well can make it. Even defeating just one of the two could possibly give them a fighting chance. Is it realistic that it will happen that they make the playoffs this year? Probably not. This team seems to always be the ones to just miss it. Fans can still be very excited about what is to come for the Nittany Lions this year.